Gelato Tweedy Blind Box
The actual quantity obtained from the manufacturer/Supplier might vary from the total number we have ordered, We will contact the customer(s) who are not able to get the item that they wanted.
Final release date of the pre-order item(s) is solely determined by the manufacturer/Supplier; the actual delivery time would also be affected by the logistic service operator(s), we appreciate your understanding as these factors are beyond our control. Follow up action will take place in case the pre-ordered item could not be dispatched within 9 months after its official release date.
This product is brand-new. We(Misutabai TOY), as reseller, cannot fully guarantee any defects / imperfections including but not limited to scratches, imprints, uneven paint etc. is/are produced during the manufacturing or packaging stage. We cannot contact the manufacturer and provide any after-sales. Once payment has been made and accepted, it means you are fully understood our terms and conditions as well as purchasing related policies.
Packaging Box / outer box of the product is for protection only. Dents or scratches on the packaging box / surface caused by any reasons would NOT BE included and considered as transaction cancellation or objection for refund.